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New Small Works

January 25, 2013

Yesterday I began reworking some small canvases to add to my Etsy shop. All of them had layers of color already, and I’m just adding more layers. I think this image is fun with all the smeared color underneath them on the table cover.


Small Canvases 012313


Since this picture was taken yesterday, all of them have changed again. As each canvas lets me know what it wants to become, I’ll put on the finishing touches as always, and photograph them individually.


Pushing the Limits

January 21, 2013

Classroom Week 2

After learning that there may be three more students in my second weekly painting class tomorrow night, I immediately bought two more tables for the studio.  So that takes me to a total of six students, which is enough to fill the room.  We may be a tad cozy, but it will work.

These will be spread out a few more feet by class time. Right behind the ones on the far side are some boxes, which will be moved by then. That will open up more room in the center, between the tables, for us to maneuver.

Etsy Shop Revamped

I have decided to limit the works that I offer in my Etsy shop for paintings. I’ve removed everything except my “Echoes” series and feel so much better about how it looks overall. But since I have only 17 paintings in that series, I guess I have to get painting!

Show Time!

January 16, 2013

Last night’s class was great fun. I had one more student than I expected. The first two who immediately signed up just went around and handed out my flyers. What they didn’t know was that others had planned to attend, even though I hadn’t heard back from anyone. So we started with three students. Last night they told me there may be three more, starting next week — that they simply had schedule conflicts for the first night. So I may be looking at as many as six, which will be a little . . . cozy. But it can be done!

I treated them to my music selections, with emphasis on meditative, indie rock. and jazz selections. Everyone really got into the groove.

Painting Class 1 Day 1 01_15_2012


I think you can see from this picture that everyone was totally focused on the energy of the moment.

After this week, everyone will focus on the one thing that they want to accomplish. I will help them find the tools and materials they need to make that happen.


From Studio to Classroom – At Last

January 14, 2013

Tomorrow the weekly painting classes begin in my studio. It’s set up for four students, even though I would have taken as many as six. As it turns out, I may have only the original two people, and that’s fine too. After all, this is an experimental run at having classes. I’ll know a lot more about what direction to take after this. I do know that these two students are very interested in learning a lot about the “tools of the trade” — techniques for applying paint, textures, gels, mediums, and some mixed media effects. They will decide what they want to do with it on their own, and meanwhile we will play and play.

So as promised, here are some pictures of the finished setup in the room.

Class Setup

Class Setup

My demo table is in the foreground, with the larger table where the students can work. I have table top easels, but they aren’t going to be needed right now. They’re available any time someone would like one.

Student Table

Student Table

Yes, I’m using my same table cover, an old vinyl shower curtain that’s been in use for years, with its layers and layers of paint. I should add that the shower curtain was brand new when I started. It was never used for actual showers.

And here’s just  a tiny peek at how driven I can be. I’ve created texture samples to show some effects of the different gels and mediums, plus some homemade textures too. Of course I had to type and affix labels underneath each one!

Texture Sample Board

Texture Sample Board

I’m looking forward to a fun series of classes.

Would you Dare Tell All?

I’m happy to report that Seth Apter at The Altered Page has featured me in Chapter 2 of Tell All yesterday, Sunday, January 13th. I didn’t reveal that much, but if you read through the many statements by all the participating artists, I think you’ll relate to much of it. It’s nice to see we’re not alone as artists! Thanks so much, Seth!

Tell All Icon

Studio Before but Not After

January 9, 2013

This is how my studio looked after I began turning it upside down for a complete cleanout. It was time, even if I weren’t getting ready for classes. The hardest part was starting. It seemed overwhelming, but it really wasn’t as bad as it looked. Thank God for big plastic tubs!

Studio from Doorway

Studio from Entrance

Studio from North Side

I will post the “after” pictures as soon as I get it all set up as a classroom. I’m looking forward to this and so glad my local friends pushed me to do it.