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New Haiku Paintings

November 3, 2008

This is “Haiku 50,” one of the new paintings that I delivered to the gallery on Saturday.

Today is quiet, and for that I’m very thankful. After working toward and finishing my painting deadline last week, and walking neighborhoods for Obama both on Saturday and yesterday, I feel like taking a much-needed day off. Both activities were physically exhausting (in a good way, of course.)

Still, there are panels waiting for more paint, and the big blue painting asking for a resolution. I say hello to them all when I walk by, but still haven’t gotten out the brushes and squeegees.

I hope you’re already started on a creative week. I remember reading once that whatever you put your attention and energy into will thrive. I am a firm believer in that philosophy.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. November 3, 2008 1:04 pm

    I would love an entire wall or room to be painted like this. I could decorate an entire room around it…it is elegant and marblesque.
    Hope you are right about attention and thriving, I’m starting to notice things shifting as I steer my attention towards momentum!

  2. November 4, 2008 2:10 am

    This looks to be soul-full work–contemplative and rich in meaning.
    Only one more day….and then the darkest cloud over us will lift. We’ll feel more creativity, more humor, more fun and a readiness for new adventures. We’ll be smiling more by Wednesday, yes?

    Wishing you renewed energy after a good rest. Boy, we all need a moment of rest and r e l i e f.

    I find your prolific and energetic works exhilarating.

  3. November 4, 2008 9:09 am

    Paula, may your momentum take you to new places of abundance!

    Melinda, I fervently believe we will be smiling tomorrow. With my renewed energy, I am ready to tackle more blank canvases! Thank you for stopping by.

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