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Painting for No Apparent Reason

May 28, 2014
Window to Beyond -  Acrylic on Canvas, 16x20 inches

Window to Beyond –
Acrylic on Canvas, 16×20 inches

I came across the picture on my computer yesterday.This painting was sold at least 6 years ago. I don’t see the picture often, but it was nice to see it again. It was one of my first very textural paintings. I think if you click on  it you will see more detail. I’ve made it my computer’s wallpaper for a while. For the past few days I have felt the need to paint. I don’t mean just the urge, or the impulse, or the desire to paint. But the need to paint. To paint for no apparent reason. Just for myself.

Doing collage and relief prints are ways to satisfy an urge to create. But for me, there is nothing like painting for taking me into a whole different place emotionally, putting me deeper into the zone. Springtime has kept me outside, and that is a good thing in its own way. But no matter how many rewards there are in having a garden or making my surroundings beautiful, it’s still not quite the same as cranking up the music and making a glorious mess, getting paint all the way up to my elbows and all over my clothes. When I haven’t painted for a long while, I can feel my world getting a little out of balance. I don’t sleep as well, and things just aren’t right somehow. This goes on for a while until it dawns on me what is wrong. And what is wrong is that I need to paint!

And so, without reasons like a show deadline, or a commission, or a gallery asking for more work, I shall go out to the studio, clear off a place, get out the paints and brushes and rollers and rags, and make a new start.

Tools of the Trade 3Tools of the Trade

Here’s to new beginnings.


30 Comments leave one →
  1. Anonymous permalink
    May 28, 2014 7:58 am

    i shall wait for the result of this painting go go go.

  2. Annette permalink
    May 28, 2014 8:01 am

    Nice piece today, Martha. So true.

    • May 29, 2014 1:25 pm

      Thanks, Annette. I like it more now than I think I did then — when I still had it around.

  3. Susan Gantz permalink
    May 28, 2014 8:48 am

    Thank you for putting your need into words, and for helping me justify time spent on something I don’t understand. After my beloved husband died last year in a horrible plane crash at an air show, I found I needed to paint. I’d been exploring mono printing, my first venture into the paint –but not the art — world.It has helped somehow. My therapist keeps reminding me that I don’t need to understand, just to follow whatever seems right. I don’t typically like red, but red seems to express the anger, the pain, and the depth of what I am feeling. My efforts lately have moved back into calmer colors, as have I. I am also really glad I found your work on the web.

    • May 29, 2014 1:26 pm

      Susan, I’m so glad this spoke to you. Art has such an amazing capacity for healing us. My best to you!

  4. May 28, 2014 10:09 am

    Wonderful piece, with those lush, saturated colors!

    • May 29, 2014 1:28 pm

      Oh, I’m so glad you like it, Cindy. It’s good to think on it for a while, and see what it has to say to me.

  5. May 28, 2014 11:06 am

    love this piece. Good for you to recognize the need to paint. It is a different mind set of gestures of swishes and swirls to create. Bet you will be pleased at the outcome.

    • May 29, 2014 1:29 pm

      Pat, this is Day 2 of spending as long as possible in the studio, and it’s been grand. Painting the “old” way involves a lot of standing, and so I have t limit that because of my . . . er, ah . . . age! LOL! But it’s so worth it.

  6. joarty1 permalink
    May 28, 2014 2:34 pm

    I’m sure you’ve been reading my mind!!!!! Your painting is absorbing…I love it.

    • May 29, 2014 1:30 pm

      Thank you, Jo! I think artists have special access to the collective vibe, don’t you? So I’m sure I must have read someone’s mind! 🙂

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