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October 6, 2008

"Cool Breezes" - Acrylic on Paper, 5 x 7"

Happy Monday everyone.

Before I proceed:  I had one piece of negative feedback from my series of posts last week, among an overwhelming number of empathetic comments regarding my feelings about the current economic crisis. I didn’t include the negative comment, because it was a rather involved rant regarding the reader’s inability to unsubscribe from my blog. She was irritated at me because I couldn’t explain why I couldn’t unsubscribe her. So we went back and forth a couple of times via email, but it was not something that would have added to the general discourse of the blog. Therefore, I didn’t include her comments.

But it did prompt me to think a little bit about sharing my feelings in this blog. Maybe it isn’t such a good idea to inject angst into an art blog. I had thought the message was clear — that art heals frustration and temporary negative feelings. I certainly wasn’t trying to bring anyone down. So if I did, I apologize.

Onward and upward . . . I will be leaving for the day in just a little bit, but I thought I’d share this interesting site with you. It should keep you clicking for the rest of the day if you just happened to be looking for an excuse to surf. You might find this to be a site you’d want to join. When I get more time I’m going to explore it as well.

Have a creative day, and above all, keep it fun!

19 Comments leave one →
  1. October 6, 2008 9:22 am

    hmmm…hope you continue to write about art in the context of our world…
    Reading about the way your process is shaped is a beacon for me. Whether it’s a nod to fitness, your dinner menu for friends, new sites to surf, your current work and wip or making art in turbulent times, I want it all *grin*

  2. Joyce Gallagher permalink
    October 6, 2008 10:11 am

    Hi Martha,

    One of the things I love about you and your blog is your words of wisdom. you share so much about yourself and your art! I always walk away with some new information. This blog is one corner of your world to express what you feel and we as your friends and readers should treasure the fact you feel comfortable enough with us to share. So… in a nutshell thank you Martha for being who you are!!!
    Enjoy your day and may it be a golden one!!
    BTW make sure to check out my blog tomorrow- it is just for you because you are special!!

  3. October 6, 2008 11:52 am

    I absolutely think that you need to insert angst into an art blog!!! Since artists are the chroniclers of society and reflect that society in whatever guise, it’s imperative that you do your job as a professional artist.

    I feel that one wormy apple should never have the power to shut down a voice as in freedom of speech and dealing with the issues that EVERY artist faces on a daily basis. I also seriously doubt that your blog followers — including me–care about you being Mary Sunshine every single post.

    Per my vote: Don’t let this one dissatisfied sour grape poison what is an honest and genuine art blog where we learn, discuss, create and grow our art along with you.

    Please don’t stop the off-topic!

    And how in Hades she managed to find something negative in a post about painting to cheer oneself out of miasma is beyond me. Smacks of a very unhappy individual who is craving someone to drive up under her life and rescue her ass.

    SHE has spoken!

  4. October 6, 2008 12:50 pm

    It is Your Blog and therefore a bit like haveing visitors to your home,they can always leave if they do not like what they see!
    Keep posting what you want to if people stop by great they do not have to read if it upsets them to much.,
    This is called freedom of expression as well

  5. October 6, 2008 3:21 pm

    Thanks for sharing the cool link! I’m just catching up with blog reading today and I appreciate your posts of this past week. The message was clear to me. I also appreciated reading about your ‘angst’ and your attempts to overcome that with making art. Your feelings last week somewhat mirrored my own, and my lack of motivation from being so consumed with everything else that is going on. I don’t think we can or should, remove ourselves from the world at large. It was at least comforting to read that I am not the only one reacting this way.

  6. October 6, 2008 5:56 pm

    Martha – it’s always hard trying to decide what to write/blog and to censor yourself when it’s something that is on your mind just doesn’t seem fair (to you or us). I certainly don’t see how saying art can help heal anxiety about what is going on in the world would upset people. If the world news is keeping you from sleeping and hindering your creative side – by all means blog about it. I hope you continue to write as freely as you have been over the years. –elisa

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