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Starts and Fits

February 25, 2016

It’s been a slow start getting back into the studio after family obligations kept me away for several days. My young student has gone from weekly to every other week, which is good, because we have a good two-hour session each time. That’s enough for her to get some good solid help and encouragement. In between times she will no doubt keep drawing, the way she always has. This past Saturday she left here very proud of what she had done.

Progress in the studio includes working on 12 new panels – such glorious fun – and the occasional collage session just to break up the blocked times. Yes, I’m blocked, or stuck, on some of the panels. They are giving me fits. Can’t afford to dwell on them for too long. It only makes matters worse. Here they are in progress as of today.

Boxes 02_16

I consider 7 of these finished and ready for signing. The other 5, not so much. When I’m sure of them all, I’ll show individual photos.

And a couple of new collages . . .


A New Season Cropped

A New Season – Collage, 4×4″ on 8×10″ backing

Beneath it All Cropped

Beneath It All – Collage, 6×8″ on 8×10″ backing


Happy arting to all!

9 Comments leave one →
  1. February 25, 2016 11:22 am

    Martha – I was so happy to find your Blog. I love your 2 collages. They are bold, dramatic and certainly stand on their own. They are great! Also, your panels. I assume they will be presented – each one – separately? I have studied each one and really like them as well. I understand when you say you can’t study them too long at one time. But, understand your joy of being back in your studio. You are a continual inspiration to me.

    • February 25, 2016 12:43 pm

      That’s so nice of you to say, Shirley. Thank you! Yes, they are meant to stand on their own, but the more the merrier! 😉 I am so, so stuck on at least 4 of them. There are different things I could do to resolve each one, but for some reason I’m having trouble just forging ahead. Usually when I do that, something even better happens. But not always. It’s a result of being away from them for too long. A day or two is OK, but it’s been more than a week now. Stay tuned.

  2. February 25, 2016 1:42 pm

    Thanks for sharing your artistic process!

  3. February 25, 2016 5:56 pm

    I always enjoy your art. Walk away & come back at a later date to finish the others. Of course I have been doing that with my ck book which I cannot balance for th4e life of me. About 15 hours now ckg & reckg. I too walk away, go back but still cannot find error. See a later date will work for the most part..not in my case. 🙂

    • February 25, 2016 6:40 pm

      Oh my gosh Pat!!! I can identify! I do all of my banking online now, so I no longer have to reconcile. I kind of miss it, but it was stressful for sure!

  4. February 25, 2016 7:07 pm

    Time away is the hardest thing to overcome. Looks to me like you’re doing a fine job of it, though!

  5. March 19, 2016 6:04 pm

    I love these Martha! The texture in them is wonderful. Thanks for sharing them with us Martha. 🙂

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